
Amid masks and lockdowns and disease and uncertainty, most people are experiencing their societal norms being turned on their sides. And…

Singles have it different than families and couples and communities. In fact, we are now living through multiple Pandemics, not just the obvious one! Consider:

1. The Pandemic of dating during CovidA whole new shituation — and Pew Research confirms what most of us felt already, that dating was already challenging prior to 2020!
2. The Pandemic of finding “The One”Dating apps are full of people waiting for “their person”, highlighted by angels singing codependent songs like “I can’t live without you” (until heartbreak happens, and then “the next person” is targeted). But, 7 months or 7 years later, “The One” is out and “The Next” is sought — maybe healthier to stop thinking of a relationship as destination!
3. The Pandemic of a lover completing usEnmeshed, dysfunctional relationships result from seeking qualities in a partner that we can’t generate internally. Much better is whole beings who choose to spend [some but not all their] time together.
4. The Pandemic of thinking and not feelingAs Dr. Joseph Kramer says, we simply make better decisions by waking up to the messages that come from our bodies. Breathing consciously, giving and receiving touch, moving and dancing, singing and making music — all contribute to our human somatic experience.
5. The Pandemic of believing copulation is the destination…misses the myriad methods for interpersonal intimacy (a byproduct of patriarchy and how sex has been commercialized — tying into systemic misogyny and #MeToo).
6. The Pandemic of LTR obsessionQuantity before Quality is cart-before-horse. We suggest doing the essential work to figure out what makes an HQR (high quality relationship) for you.
7. The Pandemic of worry for human survivalDeep down, it can feel perplexingly challenging to plan our future when we hear about imminent catastrophe for our planet, society, and all beings living here with us.

WE THUS EMBRACE using this Pandemic time to level up our intimacy skills — to dig inside and honor what is true about ourselves and those with whom we want to relate. As Einstein said, we cannot solve problems with the same mindset as they were created — so we commit to changing ourselves, our mindset, and our approach.

To bring intention to the forefront, creating the best version of ourselves with healthy deservance of love — energetically attracting quality relationship(s) on a similar path of learning, leveling up, and living a radiant life!

If you resonate with this Manifesto, please join the tribe and stay in touch!


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